Monday, 7 March 2011

Monday 7th March

Today as I sat at my desk my body literally felt like it was getting fatter and fatter by the second.  I thought my God I am obsessed with my weight.  So with determination as I got home, I quickly changed and went for a three mile walk with my dog and my daughter.  I felt great, so great I actually managed 9000 steps today (according to my pedometer) and 7000 of those was chalked up on my walk alone.  Still enthused I did 30 minutes workout on the Wii fit, even as it winced when I stood on the balance board, then it expressed dismay that I had put on a further 1lb in weight and had the cheek to ask me the cause of my weight gain! I was still not fazed by the Wii fit's confidence in my ability to lose weight, my goal is the 24th May and I will reach my target.  Well I keep telling myself I will anyway, even as I baked the 7 minute "death by chocolate sponge" in the microwave and have just eaten it with lashings of chocolate custard LMAO!!!!!!!  If I do manage to reach my goal I am sure I will make a huge amount of money on the "eat as much chocolate as you like diet!" What do you all think?  At least the sun did shine today and the daffodils were in bloom, the world is not such a dark place and I still have hope that things will eventually turn out right for me one day xxxxx

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