Friday, 3 June 2016

Devotion to the Small

Today I acknowledge my changes within and devote myself to the small.

Oftentimes, we focus purely upon the larger things we want in our lives; those that encompass our dreams or our desires that seem far reaching, requiring from us sustained action and effort.  Yet in focusing on the large strides we wish to make, we ignore the wonderful small changes that we make every single day.  Have you noticed what small changes you have made that creates a different reaction in you than before?  Do you always become defensive when someone annoys you or do you now choose your battles wisely?  Are you much kinder and more generous with your time and your loved ones by reacting to them in a more loving and peaceful way?

A single continuous drop of water can erode stone over time and so too can these small changes lead to a grand change in the relationship that we have not only with ourselves but with others. When we devote our attention to the small, it is likened to planting a seed.  Out of this tiny obscure object grows either a beautiful flower , a small shrub or a towering tree, further, that which began as a seed can flourish into a grand spectacular garden. 

Acknowledge the little things that you do each day that cause you to change from the you of yesterday , for in doing so it cultivates the Divine essence in you.  When you choose to smile instead of frown, when you give a heartfelt thank you, when you send a message of encouragement to a loved one for no other reason than to brighten their day, are all examples of a beautiful expression in attending to the small.  It is in honouring these gestures and cultivating  them with practice that sets the solid foundation to lasting change.

Just for today, honour the small changes that you nurture within yourself because even though you may not notice its immediate effects, there is a life you have touched that does.

May you have a peaceful weekend.

Namaste x


  1. Love this page. The colours set the tone for the words shared to resonate in the spirit. Thank you for being my angel today!

    1. Much appreciated, love and light to you

    2. Much appreciated, love and light to you
