I am affected only by my thoughts
This is one of the lessons from A Course in Miracles
workbook that I had been drawn to read repeatedly this week and led me to ask the
question, “How many of you really take stock of your thoughts and more
importantly how do those thoughts affect
When you live your life on auto pilot by not noticing how
your thoughts dictate your reaction to others or by being unaware of the vocabulary
you use when you make a statement about yourself, this can lead you to believe
that things outside of yourself is the true cause of your angst or worry. Yet in truth, it is just the thoughts we have
and the story we attach to it that determines our feelings and interactions.
If we go blindly through life without taking responsibility
for our thoughts, not realising that it is our own thinking that determines the
quality of our life, then the default status will always be one of continually
looking outside rather than within.
Neale Donald Walsch has a fabulous quote in his book Conversations with
God that states, “If you don’t go within, you go without,” and this is so
true. Do you take time to review if a
thought you have is actually TRUE for you.
We can have thoughts on guilt, worry, shame, victimhood, all of which
are just useful invitations for us to go within and choose again.
Ultimately, you have the choice to decide how you feel in
any moment of your life, irrespective of what is going on in our physical
reality and our thoughts are absolutely powerful but we fail to recognise that
we hold this power every moment that we take a breath.
Just for today, notice your thoughts, especially those that
disempower or make you feel less than yourself.
Once you notice you can then ask the question “Can I view this situation
differently?” This one enquiry opens a
dialogue that allows another perspective to enter, one that brings a gift that
is only for your highest good. The above
affirmation is a wonderful reminder to keep checking in with yourself that it
is only YOUR thoughts that affect how you feel.
Have an introspective weekend.