Friday, 6 June 2014

The Word of the Week - Learning to Trust (Pt 2)

Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait and wait without anxiety.
A Course in Miracles

When I write this weekly missive, it is as much for me as it is for you and I try to practice what comes through me in this forum.  Last week I embarked upon trusting implicitly what transpired each day of my week and to make a concerted effort to observe my behaviours, my reactions and most importantly those fear based thoughts.  I had several instances where situations occurred and my finances or what I thought “lack thereof,” would have me in a slight panic.  You know the situation where you have gazillion financial obligations to meet and only pennies with which to do it! 

So you know how the thought processes happen in these situations, you panic first and foremost and ask “how am I going to pay that?”  You start the old tapes in your head that tell you how little money you have, how you need more, how you can’t get any more and so on so forth.  This then leads you to stress upon projections in the future, “how will I pay such and such due next week if I use the money this week?” You become anxious, you get short tempered with your loved ones and you keep rolling the problem around in your head without coming to a solution.  This was how I used to handle my finances, I am happy to say that I am growing strong in learning to trust that ALL MY NEEDS WILL BE MET!   So how do I do this, well, I recall a time that I panicked about my finances and became anxious and noted that things always turned out okay.   I remind myself that I am not in danger and reaffirm that all my needs will be met because my past history is testimony to that.  Then, I take a deep cleansing breath and acknowledge the inner force within me, who is strong, wise and better equipped to handle my fear based financial illusions.  Finally, I just let it go and thank my Source for handling my affairs.

Well, I was put to the test this week. My finances were limited and my car decided it was going to give me a warning light regarding the engine, It is due it’s MOT and car tax this month so I had little to manoeuvre.  I immediately called my mechanic who said he would look at it the next day.  The worrying thoughts began to pervade my mind and in mid thought as I observed this, I stopped, took a deep breath and asked for guidance.  I said to my higher self, “ I give this situation to you, knowing that you will provide all the resources, the people and whatever may be necessary to deliver a solution to this problem.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”  I breathed again and drove my car tentatively.  The fear was still there, it had not gone but I abated it for a moment.  Next morning the light came on the dash board again and I recited “I trust and KNOW that all my needs will be met.”  As I drove, the engine seemed to lose power for about a second and I felt it was going to stall.  My heart began to race and I began to panic.  A voice in my head said, “there is nothing to fear.” (When I say a voice, this is really just a thought but the energy that it carries is calm and light not heavy or dark.) So, I repeated this over in my head until my heart began to beat normally.  That afternoon as I left to go home and meet the mechanic, the light on the dashboard did NOT come on.  Elated but still a bit tentative and unsure I drove home.  As I got home I continued to say thank you in my head.  The mechanic arrived, plugged in his diagnostic machine and said there was no major fault, it was probably a sensor glitch.

I share my story, as insignificant to others as it may seem, to highlight that you too can be an observer of your habits and create a miracle mind-set in an instant when you relinquish control and allow your Inner Guide to lead. In ANY situation!
Louise L Hay has a phrase, Life Loves You
So just for today, let life do exactly that.


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