When it comes to moving from an experience that we no longer
desire to a new one, I notice that in some people there seems to be resistance
to this change. There is a sense of
inertia and apathy to their circumstances justifying the “I can’t do anything
about my life so why bother,” statements!
Why do you think we are so resistant to saving ourselves
from the mental turmoil that we inflict on a daily basis? Why wouldn’t we do all that we can and put in
the necessary work so that we can enjoy life by living through an experience
rather than battling and struggling against the flow of life?
This morning I contemplated in what way I resist against the
flow of life and what were the reasons that I created in my mind that cause me
to do so? When I was able to dig through
all the crud of excuses that was justifying the reasons why I was in such a bad
mood this morning, I realised that ultimately ALL of my issues can be traced to
one cause and one cause only. That is
This morning it was a fear of lack. I became angry at the world and how
unsupportive that it felt to me, how I was absolutely fed up with not getting
what I wanted in the speed that I wanted it and proverbially stamped my foot in
the frustration that I held at life. I didn’t
want to listen to the voice that told me, be patient, everything happens in the
right time and that I have absolutely everything that I need right here and
now. No I was in the grip of my petulant
ego who was furiously throwing all of its toys out of the pram!
I chuckle as I write this because I watched myself act out
this tantrum, I observed myself without judgement and waited for the moment to
past. After I vented my frustrations in
my journal I closed my eyes and simply said “show me another way to see this.” I took a few deep breaths and repeated this statement
with every out breath I took and this was my reply:
“The sun is shining
today as a reminder of the light that is in YOU, is a reflection of the light
in others. Why on Earth would you want
to stand in darkness when there is so much light around you?
You are created
perfect, whole and complete. You are
fully supported by the Universe and your needs are Always met. Embrace the beauty of this day, marvel in it,
look at nature and recognise the oneness in all things. There is nothing to fear, for love carries upon
its wings the truth and truth always diminishes falsehood. There is no lack. Only your ego’s thoughts
about lack which are not based in truth.
Feel your fear, feel
your anger, feel your frustration.
Honour those feelings by really looking at them and they will disappear
as you welcome the light of this moment.
For in this present
moment there is absolutely nothing wrong with your life and you have nothing to
This my dear friends is the awesome power of meditation. My inner guide reminded me that how I think
has an impact upon everyone because we ALL have the same inner light and are
part of the great one of
creation. It reminded me that in the
past where I have had the same fears they were unfounded because everything
turned out just fine. It reminded me
that if I lean to what is true, that which is not disappears. It reminded me to be in the present and not
project my fears into the future.
I share this with you in the hope that when you have fears
that rise up in you at any given moment in your life, instead of struggling, or fighting the fear,
turn it over to your wonderful inner guide who speaks to you when you learn to
quiet the incessant panic and chattering of the ego. I know I was supposed to write about the
benefits of meditation, of which there are many, however it seems that my
spirit was moved to give you a live example instead.
Have a glorious weekend.
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