Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The Word of The Week - Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

I have to admit I never read this book by Susan Jeffers but I just love the title “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway!”.  The language is emotive, expressive and action orientated. For me, it is a courageous suggestion that anything you desire is possible even if it results in perceived failure! This led me to research a few quotes about failure and to ask myself pertinent questions about my own attitude towards it. 

Let’s face it, we have all encountered outcomes that were less than desirable in our lives and we can either wallow in self-pity, or turn a negative into a positive and move on regardless.
We can analyse our life and say we may have failed at relationships, failed in raising our children, failed regarding promises we make to ourselves, the list could be endless; as it is far easier to catalogue how far we fall than to recognise the amount of wisdom we gain because of a fall!
What is a few minutes of embarrassment at an attempt to do something rather than a lifetime of bemoaning “if only”?  It takes courage to face your fears and equally takes courage to enact your dreams.

“You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated”
Maya Angelou

“Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try something”
Frederick Smith

“No man is a failure who is enjoying life!”
William Feather

The last one by far is my favourite.  So just for today, turn your perceived failures into a success by taking a leap of faith and absolutely “FEELING THE FEAR AND DOING IT ANYWAY!”

Peace and blessings
©2011 Carol Muhammad

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