Friday, 15 July 2016

Deep Knowing

I banish doubt and trust my intuitive guidance which only steers me towards my highest good.

Within each of us there is a stalwart guidance system that lovingly directs us towards our highest feeling and our highest good.  Yet when we allow the voice of doubt to lead in our endeavours we are unable to connect to this wonderful internal guidance system.  How can you banish the voice of doubt and lean towards greater understanding of this magnificent voice? 
Well that’s simple just LISTEN! Ask yourself the question, how is it that you readily listen to the voice of doubt and other disempowering voices and believe emphatically that they are true, right and correct.  Yet the voice of your inner guidance system, will tell you that you are enough, that you are beautiful, that you can do and be all that you desire for your life but we dismiss it without a second thought!  Are you really listening, can you really hear what you are saying?  Do you really wish to change your internal dialogue or are you just professing lip service?

We have a deep knowing within us that loves us unconditionally and is ALWAYS there for you.  It encourages, it warns, it delights, it loves and it is serene.  What is the worst that could happen if you decided to really listen to this voice even just for a day?  How do you think you would feel, just for once, ignoring the disempowering voices and hearing this beautiful soul lifting voice from deep within?

Just for today, when your thoughts lean to doubt, fear, anger, right fighting or victimisation …..take a breath and hold the intention that this is not your true voice, connect with your breath one more time and stillness emerges.  It is through this stillness the voice of the Divine speaks to you. 

Have an observational  weekend!


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