Friday, 13 May 2016



It is in embracing the simplicity of life
I am able to truly know myself.

This morning, as I drove into work, I pondered as to what would be the theme for this Friday’s  Word of the Week.  I never know what I am moved to write until I actually sit and do it, so I allowed guidance to come through my oracle cards and was pleasantly surprised as to what moved me. 
I usually pick three cards and use blue tack to stick them around my computer at work, so I can periodically connect with the energy and the messages they offer.  The card that caused me to chuckle was the one entitled “Simplicity” from the Journey of Love Deck by Alana Fairchild because it summed up how I had shifted my perspective in the last few days.

My week had been filled with bouts of frustration, impatience and a few tantrums; yes I acted out this week to the point that I actually shut myself in my bedroom and only communicated with my children through the door,  yet what recalibrated in me was most valuable. 

I told myself every morning before I got out of bed, that I was no longer willing to entertain the constant mind chatter of things beyond my immediate control.  I anchored myself to the present moment and focused upon the little daily actions that I do each day.  I would revel in the how the water made my skin feel as I showered, I savoured my hot cup of coffee I lovingly made in the morning.  I enjoyed watching the birds eating the seeds from the feeder on my Cherry Blossom tree and literally told myself that these are the moments that require my daily attention.  It truly is the simple daily actions we do that determine the quality of our life. 

When we move on auto pilot with our daily interactions with people and more importantly with ourselves, we end up wishing, yearning and wanting that which we don’t have, not realising that we have it all right now.  It is the focusing upon the big things that we desire that take our attention away from the little things that make us who we are every day.

Just for today, bring your full attention to the simple daily actions that occur throughout your day.  Let go of anything superfluous to what you are doing in that moment and give it your full attention.  For when you let go of trying to control everything in your life, you become open to receive the wondrous energy of peace and connection both for yourself and for others.

May your weekend be filled with noticing the simplicity of what you do.

Namaste xx

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