Friday, 4 April 2014

The Word of the Week - A healthy dose of self-Love

I love me.

Every now and then, I will produce a word that is totally about how great you are and today is such a day.  Very often I find that we can be our own worst enemy in that we do not speak kindly of ourselves, we don’t compliment ourselves on a regular basis, we never say in our minds how great we are, but we can readily offer praise to someone else.  When your internal dialogue is filled with love for yourself and your mindset is geared towards being loving to all, then that is exactly what you will manifest in your life.  You will emit an energy that others can feel that you are just happy being you.  This acceptance of yourself allows you to accept others as they are; it releases judgement and enables you to be more in tune to your higher self.

Today when you look at your reflection in a mirror, take a few seconds and look deeply into your eyes, I mean really look at them.  Study the pupil and the iris, really take a good look at them; once you get over the initial resistance that comes from the ego mind by looking at yourself in this way, your eyes will eventually soften and what will be staring back at you IS your higher self, with loving eyes.
You have inside of you a wisdom, a deep knowing that assures you, everything will work out for your greater good.  You have a beauty that dwells below the surface of your exterior.  You were created from love itself, which is perfect, whole and complete.  Your Spirit, which is clothed in your physical form, is infinitely powerful and is waiting for you to tap into this power as and when you need it.

Your life here has meaning and purpose, what you do has an enormous value and impact to this world.  Now I can hear the cry of “Whoa, hold on a minute, I have value? What I do has value to the world….give me a break!!!”  The fact that you find it so unbelievable is a glaring hint right there, it is because your mind is so ensconced in valuing what the ego thinks, which has no value by the way, you find it difficult to believe that you, little old you has immense value to the world. 
Each raindrop that falls from the sky is different in its shape and size, but its purpose is still the same, it gives life to the vegetation, refills the reservoirs and is a source of providing fresh water to the Earth.

Just for today, be a raindrop, unique and individual but part of a whole. Allow your inner light to shine brightly knowing that you have purpose, you are unique and you are loved deeply.

Have a beautiful weekend.


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