Language and
I have mentioned before in my weekly missives the importance
of language and the way we use it in our everyday lives. I cannot emphasise enough that this shift
applied on a consistent basis, will improve the way you think about yourself
and your interaction with others so that you live consistently upon a higher
level of consciousness.
Words as well as sounds emit a vibration which has been
scientifically proven to affect matter.
To simplify in this context, the words you say to yourself as well as to others, more importantly the way you say it, affects you and others on a
physical level. When you are living as a
five sensory being (i.e. your life experience is limited to only what you can see,
touch, smell, taste and hear), words can either uplift or hurt you by the
emotion with which those words are said.
If you label and tell yourself that you are stupid, you will become that
which you think and say; moreover you will attract people and situations into
your life that will reinforce this negative belief.
This is why affirmations are extremely important when you are
desirous to change a particular aspect about yourself that no longer serves
you. However, there is one crucial
proviso that renders an affirmation useless and that is the intention coupled
with the emotion with which it is said. You
can tell yourself all day long that you are beautiful, but if YOU do not have
the intention to eventually believe
that you are beautiful, when you repeat this affirmation you will forever be
saying the words but the vibration that it holds will diminish because the
energy does not match the vibration. Even if you don’t believe an affirmation
to be true for yourself at that particular moment you can still activate its
power by having the intention that you WILL believe this to be true to you the
more you say it. The affirmation “I am
beautiful inside and out” can be initially said in a timid way, almost as a
whisper when you do not quite believe it about yourself, but as you continue to
affirm these words with the underlying intention that each time you do say it,
your belief grows stronger, you will eventually have all the components to make
them have a real physical change in your life.
coupled with emotive Intention enforces the Belief and leads to change.
Have a wonderful weekend!