Friday, 26 October 2012

The Word of the Week

Language and Affirmations

I have mentioned before in my weekly missives the importance of language and the way we use it in our everyday lives.  I cannot emphasise enough that this shift applied on a consistent basis, will improve the way you think about yourself and your interaction with others so that you live consistently upon a higher level of consciousness.

Words as well as sounds emit a vibration which has been scientifically proven to affect matter.  To simplify in this context, the words you say to yourself  as well as to others, more importantly the way  you say it, affects you and others on a physical level.  When you are living as a five sensory being (i.e. your life experience is limited to only what you can see, touch, smell, taste and hear), words can either uplift or hurt you by the emotion with which those words are said.  If you label and tell yourself that you are stupid, you will become that which you think and say; moreover you will attract people and situations into your life that will reinforce this negative belief. 

This is why affirmations are extremely important when you are desirous to change a particular aspect about yourself that no longer serves you.  However, there is one crucial proviso that renders an affirmation useless and that is the intention coupled with the emotion with which it is said.  You can tell yourself all day long that you are beautiful, but if YOU do not have the intention to eventually believe that you are beautiful, when you repeat this affirmation you will forever be saying the words but the vibration that it holds will diminish because the energy does not match the vibration. Even if you don’t believe an affirmation to be true for yourself at that particular moment you can still activate its power by having the intention that you WILL believe this to be true to you the more you say it.  The affirmation “I am beautiful inside and out” can be initially said in a timid way, almost as a whisper when you do not quite believe it about yourself, but as you continue to affirm these words with the underlying intention that each time you do say it, your belief grows stronger, you will eventually have all the components to make them have a real physical change in your life.

Affirmation coupled with emotive Intention enforces the Belief and leads to change.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Friday, 19 October 2012

The Word of the Week - Focus

I have been on this "journey to self" for quite a few years now and can finally say what tools work for me in ensuring that I reach my goal of self-mastery.  However, as with all things, it was not without a few hurdles to jump over to get to this point.  What amuses me though, is the very same tools that at first I felt did not work for me, are the same tools that work spectacularly for me now!
To explain, here is a list of tried and tested tools that DO work in the order given:
  • ·         Gratitude
  • ·         Affirmations
  • ·         Changing your language
  • ·         Belief in the spiritual laws
  • ·         Visualisation
  • ·         Trusting your higher self ALWAYS

Now I have experienced failure with all of these processes on my journey.  I mentioned before that my gratitude was not heartfelt, so it did not work.  I would say affirmations but not believe one word of them when the world happening around me was in direct contrast to that which I affirmed.  I would revert to negative self-talk thus my language would always go back to the same negativity I always told myself.   I had an understanding of the spiritual laws e.g. Laws of Cause and effect  or Law of Attraction, but my mind set would  shout quite loudly that these laws do not work for me, for others maybe, but not me!  Any visualisation I had was dismissed as “my pretend view of the world” which I believed would not happen. Finally, in trusting my higher self, my ego would argue with it to emphatically state that everything it was telling me was wrong because “look at my life!”

I do have to smile and be thankful for every situation, because it brought me to this very moment, so that I could share with you THEY ALL WORK but it does take practice.  Remember, you are now stepping into the process of relearning all that you have been taught and the beliefs you hold about yourself, which means you have to add patience and kindness to your repertoire during this wonderful transition.

So let’s start small, this particular affirmation or what is known as “Conscious Auto-suggestion” was developed by the French psychotherapist Emilè Couè in 1922, he wrote a paper noting that imagination is four times greater than the will, thus this affirmation stated 20 times within one and a half hours of rising and just before you go to sleep was proven to help cure medical ailments in his subjects and shift the beliefs from “I can’t to I can!”

                                  “Every day, and in every way, I am getting better and better.”

I guarantee that this little step practiced everyday miraculously shifts your sub-conscious that literally stops you from throwing in the towel every time you hit a bump in the road.

Have a fabulous weekend.