Susan Jeffers has a wonderful book, which is now 25 years
old call “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Just the title alone gives me goose bumps, not of trepidation but of
excitement. What is holding you back
from fulfilling your desires? Are you
willing to do what it takes to move out of your comfort zone? Can you practice what you preach?
Sometimes in life, we all need a gentle nudge to get us out
of our habitual behaviours that keep us in a loop of dissatisfaction. Sometimes, we are just too scared to tell
someone that we love them for fear of rejection! Sometimes we cannot be
bothered with the mental stamina required to move us into a zone that may feel
uncomfortable but will ultimately turn out for our betterment.
Yes, it can be scary to let go of old beliefs that no longer
serve you, yes, it is irritating when you try to change a behaviour and your
old habits keep winning the day, yet it is in those minor failures that we
experience the fortitude to keep getting up and trying again. Persistence ALWAYS wins in matters of personal development. I am currently reading a book by the
writer/producer Shonda Rhimes called “The Year of Yes,” and I love it so
far. I have turned a lot of my default
no’s into welcomed yeses, why, because I am done living the same old programmes
and wish for a new energy to enter into my life
Just for today….say YES to the Universe’s call to your
heart. Take a momentous leap of faith in
one area of your life that you desire change.
Feel the fear and do it anyway because let’s face it, the alternative is
just bringing you more of the same.
My question to you is this, do you want to LIVE or merely
EXIST; the choice is yours!
Have and adventurous weekend.