Friday, 14 December 2012

The Word of the Week - Acceptance

"I accept myself exactly as I am."

The above affirmation has helped me in so many ways as I continue upon this journey to self.  I often go back to this phrase repeatedly as a reminder that I need to be kind and gentle with myself, especially when I feel that I have somehow fallen short of a standard that I have set.

Say for example I set myself an intention to be calm and centred throughout the day but end up getting upset or angry for some reason or another.  I would then beat myself up for “failing” in my own personal directive.  However, I am reminded of a wonderful phrase from Iyanla Vanzant that states “you simply cannot fail in life!” This is especially true if you learn to view any mishaps that you have had along the way as a necessary experience for your ultimate growth into higher consciousness.

All too often we impede our development by getting stuck in the cycle of guilt and blame.  These emotions do nothing to lift your vibration; in fact all they do is send you on a spiral of doom and gloom that impedes your development.

Just as a mother would calmly soothe an upset child with a kind, loving and gentle tone, we also need the same loving care, but from ourselves.  If you cannot be kind to yourself, how can you possible expect someone else to be kind to you?  Further, without total acceptance of who you are how can you wholeheartedly accept the kindness of others especially if you feel you are undeserving?

Just for today, accept yourself exactly as you are; a reflection of all that is beautiful, your true essence.